Here are some things to always keep in mind: {Tips}

so you have to get your niyah (intention) correct.

Now, How do you get your niyah correct ? place your hand on your chest and ask yourself, “what is my goal after completing hifdh?”or “why do I want to become hafidh/hafidha?”. Another tip is write your “whys” on a paper. This can include why you want to be a hafidh/hafidha and what is your next move after reaching that goal.


  1. Know that with every lyric of music you listen to, an ayah of Quran disappears from your mind.
  2. Death can come at us at anytime and anywhere, what if death comes to you whilst you listening to music? {Wherever you may be, death will overcome you—even if you were in fortified towers.— surah nisa:78}

<aside> 💡 Some other Supplementary tips that can aid in your hifdh journey:


Importance of Treating your parents well for Hifdh

A well-known story to remind you the status of your mother upon you-

Abdullah Ibn ‘Umar saw a Yemeni man performing Tawaf (circumambulating the Ka’bah in Mecca) while carrying his mother on his back. This man said to Abdullah Ibn ‘Umar, “I am like a tame camel for her! I have carried her more than she carried me. Do you think I have paid her back, oh Ibn ‘Umar?” Abdullah Ibn ‘Umar replied, “No, not even one contraction!!” (Source: Al-Adab al-Mufrad Bukhari, 1/62)

Importance of Sleep and a Healthy Diet for Hifdh

Importance of Keeping a Hifdh Journal